Rachel in Brazil – Atlantic Ocean

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Rachel in Brazil

After spending many days giving classes with TEG in the concrete jungle of  São Paulo on Avenida Paulista our family decided it was time for me to see the real jungle and the Atlantic Ocean. As much as I have traveled the world, I had never touched foot in the Atlantic, so I was very excited to hop in the car and begin the transitional drive from concrete to sand. So like many native Brazilians, we packed the car for a long weekend of barbeque and beach. The highway changed  from the favelas to the tree-lined highway as the air became cleaner and my ears popped all the way down the mountain.

The first glimpses of Santos caught my eyes between hard winding curves of the highway. Down, down, down we drove until we finally found our way surrounded by lush, green vegetation. The peace and calm of the beach was relaxing. I romped and played in the warm water soaking in the beauty of this amazing country. As I laughed in English, some precious children swam close to let me hear, “Hello, how are you?” They were so proud to speak to me in English and then swam back to their own family.  Like all Brazilians, they were warm and pleasant without being pushy or intrusive. A weekend of rest, laughter, sunshine and water was another way to soak in the atmosphere of Brazil.

Vocabulario Novo (Em Itálico):

  •  To hop in                    Entrar
  •  Glimpses                    Olhas rapidas
  •  Surrounded                Cercado
  •  Lush                           Rico em flora
  •  Romped                     Brincar
  •  Proud                         Orgulhoso
  •  Pushy                         Agressivo
  •  Rest                           Descansar
  •  Soak                          Absorver
If you are unsure about any other words or context, email us or ask us on our Facebook page.
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