Phrasal Verbs – Check

This entry is part 2 of 12 in the series Phrasal Verbs

(This is a series on Phrasal Verbs.  There are hundreds of phrasal verbs and many of them have no relation to the words that form them.  When you are learning a new phrasal verb, I recommend learning it as a completely new piece of vocabulary, instead of trying to make sense of the two pieces of the word.)

Today’s topic will focus on phrasal verbs that use the word “check.” Again, this is not all of the “check” words, but some of the most useful.


Check out – Verificar, descobrir, conferir

Have you been to MASP?  I need to check out their art.

Check in/Check out – Registrar a chegada/ Registrar a saída

We need to check in before 5 p.m. and check out before 11 a.m.

Check off – Ticar

I can check off “learn English” from my life dream list.

Check up – Exame Médico

My general check up is next Friday.


Try to write examples using these words yourself!  Don’t forget to check out the other blog series as well.


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