Internet English – Abbreviations

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Internet English

When people type or text in English, they commonly use abbreviations, smileys and other shortcuts to improve communication and demonstrate expression. When you understand some of the basic Internet terms, it helps communicate with native English speakers online, and it also allows you to better comprehend online articles, games and forums. Today we will look at some of the most basic abbreviations.

LOL – Laugh Out Loud

This phrase basically means the same as typing “haha.” The phrase says you are really laughing, but most people who type “lol” are not really laughing. There is a common misunderstanding among Brazilians that this means “lots of laughs.” That is very close, but it isn’t completely accurate.

BRB – Be Right Back

This term is used when you need to leave your computer for a short period of time. There aren’t exact time limits, but it is normally used when you will return within five minutes or so.

TTYL – Talk to You Later

BRB is used for a short pause in the conversation; TTYL is used to say goodbye. Anytime you want to finish a conversation, you can use this abbreviation.

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