Phrasal Verbs – Give Back

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series Phrasal Verbs

(This is a series on Phrasal Verbs.  There are hundreds of phrasal verbs and many of them have no relation to the words that form them.  When you are learning a new phrasal verb, I recommend learning it as a completely new piece of vocabulary, instead of trying to make sense of the two pieces of the word.)


Give Back looks like our last phrasal verb, give away, but it is a little different. Where give away means to give something you own for free, give back means to return something to its original owner. A second meaning is to return something to a community or organization.



  1. I need to give this sweater back to my sister.
  2. After living in Brazil for seven years, I feel like I should give something back to the country.
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