A few days ago I said that reading was the key to improving vocabulary. Many people assume that means you have to read literature or technical manuals. While those are both good options, if you find them boring, you will not continue reading. If you have a shorter attention span, improve your English vocabulary through […]
Translation Services
Did you know that there are several types of translation services available? The main division is between written translations and oral translations. Oral translations are known as interpretations. Written English translations are generally divided by subject matter, for example, legal translations, technical translations and literary translations. There is also something known as localization, which translates […]
Alcohol is one of those universal things that crosses all cultures. However, each culture has its own customs regarding alcohol. Brazilian beers are very light, meaning they do not have much taste, unless served very cold. When at a party, restaurant or barbecue, the beverage should be nearly frozen. England, on the other hand, serves […]
The advantages of Skype classes
While having English classes face to face is typically the best option, there are some advantages to Skype English classes. Having a class through Skype gives the student flexibility in location and time. Skype classes also allow the teacher to use a variety of Internet resources. English classes through Skype additionally allow a student to […]
Using “The” Correctly – Part I
The word “the” is a very small but very important word. We use “the” in the following situations: “The” always comes before a noun (the cat, the apple) or noun phrase ( the very interesting conversation) “The” refers to one specific example of the object, and the specific example must be clear from the spoken […]
Time Changes
One of the hardest adjustments for me to make when I moved from the United States to Brazil was the difference in seasons. In the United States, December is Winter, so Christmas is cold and Santa Claus makes sense. In Brazil, December is Summer, so New Years is a beach holiday. Growing up, I always […]
English Quotes
This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series QuotesFor the last two years I have been working hard at getting in shape (entrar em forma). It is not easy for me, I love food and most of the things I enjoy are very sedentary. This quote by the boxer Mohammed Ali helps keep […]
My Top Five Favorite Sitcoms for Improving English
When I first moved to Brazil, I spoke very little Portuguese and communication was difficult. Thankfully, with time I started to improve. One of the things that helped my vocabulary and structure was watching television programs in Portuguese. Sometimes, I turned on the English translation subtitles, but as I improved, I simply listened to the […]
Lincoln’s Laundry
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Learning with Lincoln Lincoln is a very tidy French Bulldog. He doesn’t like a big mess, and he loves to do laundry. Sometimes, he forgets to sort his clothes, and the colors fade. I try not to get too angry at him when it happens. […]
English Quotes
This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series QuotesQuotes are famous or inspiring phrases or speeches. Many times these are spoken by a celebrity, politician, athlete, writer or other famous person. Quotes, also known as sayings, are normally easy to understand, but sometimes use more difficult vocabulary. One of my personal favorite […]